Executive Committee

Nancy R. GeePhD. (Chair), Professor of Psychiatry and Executive Director, Center for Human-Animal Interaction, School of Medicine, VCU

Jean Bailey, Ph.D., Associate Professor, VCU, Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs, School of Medicine - Dean's Office, VCU

Nathan Cunningham, MPH, Associate Vice President, Patient Experience, VCU Health

Marjolein de Wit, M.D., M.S., Professor of Internal Medicine, VCU and VCU Health

Carissa D. Etters, Director of Executive and Enterprise Communications, VCU Health

Susan Kornstein, MD, Professor of Psychiatry and Executive Director, Institute for Women's Health, VCU

Suzanne Weaver, MS, Director of Operations and Wellness, VCU and VCU Health

Ralph Rios, FACHE, Vice President of Support Services, VCU Health

Gary Southard, Jr., MBA, Senior Administrator, VCU Health

Advisory Council

Members of the CHAI Advisory Council generously share their time and expertise in support of CHAI.

Randolph Barker, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, School of Business, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA

Sandra B. Barker, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry, Center Founding Director and Senior Advisor, VCU Health

Gonzalo Bearman, M.D., MPH, FACP, FSHEA, Chair of the Division of Infectious Diseases, Professor of Internal Medicine, and Hospital Epidemiologist, VCU Health

Kelly Gottschalk, D.V.M., Veterinarian, Wellesley Animal Hospital, Richmond, VA

Mark Gottschalk, D.V.M., Veterinarian, Wellesley Animal Hospital, Richmond, VA

Dick Robertson, D.H.L., Senior Advisor, Warner Brothers Television Group, Malibu, CA

Cynthia Robson, Catering Director, VCU Health (Honorary Member)

Domenic Sica, M.D., Professor and Eminent Scholar, Internal Medicine, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA

R. Macon Sizemore, MHA, PT, Rehabilitation Services Director (Retired), VCU Health
A golden retriever sits at a table at which medical professionals are meeting.  The golden is turned and smiling at the camera, with all of the professionals in the room looking and smiling at him.