Close at Heart Memorial

We recognize that for many people, pets are family members and that losing them is a significant loss. Celebrate beloved pets and honor those who dedicate their lives to loving animals by making a gift in their name.

The Close at Heart memorial fund offers a meaningful way to honor a pet, Dogs on Call dog, animal-loving person, or even a pro-animal organization. Your gift supports our mission to improve health and well-being through human-animal interaction.

When making a gift in tribute

  • CHAI’s Director will send a personalized notification letter to the family of the honoree.  The letter is sent on official CHAI stationary, hand-signed, and delivered in a hand-stamped envelope, our of respect for the personal nature of the tribute.
  • The honoree’s name will be added to our Close at Heart book, which we display prominently in CHAI’s main office.
  • Donations of $1,000 or more are additionally recognized on our Close at Heart Honor Roll. These honorees are featured below and also have their names engraved on a plaque displayed alongside our Close at Heart book.

Honor a beloved pet or lover of animals by donating online now or learn about other ways to support improved health and well-being through human-animal interaction.

We proudly recognize the following honor roll recipients whose generous contributions have made a lasting impact on our ability to serve our mission.

A Welsch Corgie lays in a stroller with her head poked out and smiling at a doctor who is kneeling down to be at the same level as the Corgie.  The doctor and corgie are smiling at each other.