Journal Publications
CHAI's faculty have contributed extensively to the Human-Animal Interaction literature within peer-reviewed academic journals. Please note that this list is not exhaustive and includes only the HAI publications of CHAI faculty, it does not include the numerous HAI publications of CHAI's research affiliates. If you are unable to access an article that you would like to read, please contact with the reference, and we will assist you if able.
2020 to Present
- Townsend, L., Gee, N. R., Friedmann, E., Mueller, M. K., & Barker, S. B. (2024). Recruitment feasibility for a randomized controlled pilot study of animal-assisted intervention for hospitalized older adults. Journal of Ageing and Longevity, 4(4), 404-416.
- Gnanadesikan, G. E., King, K., Elizabeth, C., Flyer, A. C., Ossello, G., Smith, P., Steklis, N. G., Steklis, H. D., Carter, C. S., Connelly, J. J., Barnett, M., Gee, N., Tecot, S., & MacLean, E. (2024). Effects of human-animal interaction on salivary and urinary oxytocin in children and dogs. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 169.
- Friedmann, E., Gee, N. R., Simonsick, E. M., Kitner-Triolo, M. H., Resnick, B., Gurlu, M., Shim, S., Adesanya, I. (2024, September 27). Pet Attachment and Maintenance of Physical and Cognitive Function in Community-Residing Older Adults: Evidence From the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging (BLSA). Anthrozoös, 1–17.
- Gee, N. R., Townsend, L., Friedmann, E., Barker, S., Mueller, M. (2024). A pilot randomized controlled trial to examine the impact of a therapy dog intervention on loneliness in hospitalized older adults. Innovation in Aging, igae085,
- Purewal, R., Christley, R., Kordas, K., Joinson, C., Meints, K., Gee, N. R., & Westgarth, C. (2024, September). Companion animals and child development outcomes: Longitudinal and cross-sectional analysis of a UK birth cohort study. BMC Pediatrics 24(1).
- Gnanadesikan, G. E., Carranza, E., King, K.M., Flyer, A.C. Ossello, G. Smith, P.G., Steklis, N.G., Steklis, H.D., Connelly, J.J., Barnett, M. Gee, N., Tecot, S., MacLean, E.L. (2024, May). Glucocorticoid response to naturalistic interactions between children and dogs. Hormones and Behavior, 161.
- Clements, H., Valentin, S., Jenkins, N., Rankin, J., Gee, N. R., Snellgrove, D., & Sloman, K. A. (2024). Do Workplace Fish Tanks Influence Employee Wellbeing and Cognitive Performance? An Embedded Mixed-Methods Study. Anthrozoös, 37(3), 459–478.
- Friedmann, E., Gee, N. R., Simonsick, E. M., Kitner-Triolo, M. H., Resnick, B., Adesanya, I., Koodaly, L., & Gurlu, M. (2023). Pet ownership and maintenance of cognitive function in community-residing older adults: Evidence from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging (BLSA). Scientific Reports, 13(1), 14738.
- Townsend, L., Towsley, N., & Gee, N.R. (2023). "Dogs on Call": A community-engaged human subjects training with hospital based therapy dog teams. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 18(5), 363-371.
- Hoy-Gerlach, J., & Townsend, L. (2023). Reimagining healthcare: Human–animal bond support as a primary, secondary, and tertiary public health intervention. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(7).
- Rodriguez, K.E., Green, F.L.L., Binfet, J., Towsend, L., & Gee, N. R. (2023). Complexities and considerations in conducting animal-assisted intervention research: A discussion of randomized controlled trials. Human-Animal Interactions.
- Brelsford, V. L., Dimolareva, M., Rowan, E., Gee, N. R., & Meints, K. (2022). Can dog-assisted and relaxation interventions boost spatial ability in children with and without special educational needs? A longitudinal, randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 10.
- Meints, K., Brelsford, V. L., Dimolareva M., Maréchal L., Pennington, K., Rowan, E., & Gee, N. R. (2022). Can dogs reduce stress levels in school children? effects of dog-assisted interventions on salivary cortisol in children with and without special educational needs using randomized controlled trials. PLOS ONE, 17(6), e0269333.
- Townsend, L., Heatwole, J. K., & Gee, N. R. (2022). Reactivation of a hospital-based therapy dog visitation program during the COVID-19 pandemic. Animals, 12(14), 1842.
- Howell, T. J., Nieforth, L., Thomas-Pino, C., Samet, L., Agbonika, S., Cuevas-Pavincich, F., Fry, N. E., Hill, K., Jegatheesan, B., Kakinuma, M., MacNamara, M., Mattila-Rautiainen, S., Perry, A., Tardif-Williams, C. Y., Walsh, E. A., Winkle, M., Yamamoto, M., Yerbury, R., Rawat, V., ..., Gee, N. R., …, & Bennett, P. (2022). Defining terms used for animals working in support roles for people with support needs. Animals, 12(15), 1975.
- Friedmann, E., Gee, N. R., Simonsick, E. M., Barr, E., Resnick, B., Werthman, E., & Adesanya, I. (2022). Pet ownership and maintenance of physical function in older adults – evidence from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging (BLSA). Innovation in Aging, 7(1), 1-14.
- Clements, H., Valentin, S., Jenkins, N., Rankin, J., Gee, N. R., Snellgrove, D., & Sloman, K. A. (2021). Companion animal type and level of engagement matter: a mixed-methods study examining links between companion animal guardianship, loneliness and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. Animals, 11(8), 2349.
- Friedmann, E., Krause-Parello, C. A., Payton, M., Blanchard, K., Storm, A., Barr, E., & Gee, N. R. (2021). A leash on life: An exploratory study on the effects of a shelter-dog walking program for veterans on dogs’ stress. Anthrozoös, 1-14.
- Townsend, L., & Gee, N. R. (2021). Recognizing and mitigating canine stress during animal assisted interventions. Veterinary Sciences, 8(11), 254.
- Carr, D., Friedmann, E., Gee, N. R., Gilchrist, C., Sachs-Ericsson, N., & Koodaly, L. (2021). Dog walking and the social impact of COVID-19 pandemic on loneliness in older adults. Animals, 11(7), 1852.
- Ozgunay, S., Murray, J. K., Rowe, E., Gee, N. R., Bartholomeus, M., & Casey, R. (2021). Cognitive and composite behavioural welfare assessments of pet cats between the ages of 9-22 months, living in single and multi-cat households. Animals, 11(6), 1793.
- Pendry, P., Carr, A. M., Vandagriff, J. L., & Gee, N. R. (2021). Incorporating human-animal interaction into academic stress management programs: Effects on typical and at-risk college students’ executive function. AERA Open, 7.
- Barker, S. & Gee, N. R. (2021) Canine-assisted interventions in hospitals: Best practices for maximizing human and canine safety. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 8, 245.
- Gee, N. R., Rodriguez, K., Fine, A., & Trammel, J. (2021) Dogs supporting human health and wellbeing: A biopsychosocial approach. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 8, 246.
- Rodriguez, K., Herzog, H., & Gee, N. R. (2021). Variability in human-animal interaction research. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 7, 1207.
- Brelsford, V., Dimolareva, M., Gee, N. R., & Meints, K. (2020). Best practice standards in animal-assisted interventions: How the LEAD risk assessment tool can help. Animals, 10, 974.
- Friedmann, E., Gee, N. R., Simonsick, E., Studenski, S., Resnick, B., Barr, E., Kitner-Triolo, M., & Hackney, A. (2020). Pet ownership patterns and successful aging outcomes in community dwelling older adults. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 7, 293.
- Krause-Parello, C., Friedman, E., Blanchard, K. N., Payton, M., & Gee, N. R. (2020). Veterans and shelter dogs: Examining the impact of a dog-walking intervention on physiological and post-traumatic stress symptoms. Anthrozoӧs, 33(2), 225-241.
- Pendry, P., Carr, A.M., Gee, N. R., & Vandagriff, J. L. (2020). Randomized trial examining effects of animal assisted intervention and stress related symptoms on college students’ learning and study skills. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 1909.
- Pendry, P., Kuzara, S., & Gee, N. R., (2020). Characteristics of student-dog Interaction during a meet-and-greet activity in a university-based animal visitation program. Anthrozoӧs, 33(1), 53-69.
- Barker, S.B., Krzastek, S.C., Vokes, R.A., Schubert, C.M., Cooley, L.F., & Hampton, L.J. (2020). Examining the effect of an animal-assisted intervention on patient distress in outpatient cystoscopy. Human-Animal Interaction Bulletin, 8(1), 23-27.
- Barker, S. B., Schubert, C. M., Barker, R. T., Kuo, S. I., Kendler, K. S., & Dick, D. M. (2020). The relationship between pet ownership, social support, and internalizing symptoms in students from the first to fourth year of college. Applied Developmental Science, 24(3), 279-293. Advance online publication 2018.
2010 through 2019
- Branson, S., Boss, L., Padhye, N. S., Gee, N.R., & Trotscher, T. (2019). Biopsychosocial factors and cognitive function in cat ownership and attachment in community-dwelling older adults. Anthrozoӧs, 32, 267-282.
- Bures, R. M., Mueller, M. K., & Gee, N. R. (2019). Measuring human-animal attachment in a large U.S. survey: Two brief measures for children and their primary caregivers. Frontiers in Public Health, 7, Article 7.
- Carr, D. C., Taylor, M. G., Gee, N. R., & Sachs-Ericsson, N. J. (2019). Psychological health benefits of companion animals following a social loss. The Gerontologist, gnz109.
- Clements, H., Valentin, S., Jenkins, J., Rankin, J., Baker, J. S., Gee, N. R., Snellgrove, D., & Sloman, K. (2019). The effects of interacting with fish in aquariums on human health and wellbeing: A systematic review. PLOS ONE 14(7): e0220524.
- Friedmann, E., Galik, E., Thomas, S. A., Hall, S., Cheon, J., Han, N., Kim, H. E., & Gee, N. R. (2019). Relationship of behavioral interactions during an animal-assisted intervention in assisted living to health-related outcomes. Anthrozoӧs, 32, 221-238.
- Gee, N. R., & Mueller, M. (2019). Current research evidence on human-animal interaction (HAI) and aging: A systematic review of pet ownership and animal interactions. Anthrozoӧs, 32, 183-207.
- Gee, N. R., Reed, T., Whiting, A. Friedmann, E., Snellgrove, D., & Sloman, K. (2019). Observing live fish improves perceptions of mood, relaxation and anxiety, but does not consistently alter heart rate or heart rate variability. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(17), 3113.
- Kuzara, S., Pendry, P., & Gee, N. R. (2019). Exploring the handler-dog connection within a university-based animal-assisted activity. Animals, 9(7), 402;
- Pendry, P., Kuzara, S., & Gee, N. R. (2019). Evaluation of undergraduate students’ responsiveness to a 4-week university-based animal-assisted stress prevention program. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16, 3331. https://doi10.3390/ijerph16183331
- Purewal, R., Christley, R., Kordas, K., Joinson, C., Meints, K., Gee, N. R., & Westgarth, C. (2019). Socio-demographic factors associated with pet ownership amongst adolescents from a UK birth cohort. BMC Veterinary Research, 15, 334.
- Beck, A. M., Barker, S., Gee, N. R., Griffin, J. A., & Johnson, R. (2018). The background to human-animal interaction (HAI) research. Human-Animal Interaction Bulletin, 6, 46-62.
- Carr, D. C., Taylor, M. G., Gee, N. R., & Sachs-Ericsson, N. J. (2018). Typologies of older adult companion animal and non-companion animal owners: Moving beyond the dichotomy. Aging & Mental Health, 1-15.
- Dimolareva, M., Meints, K., & Gee, N. R. (2018). Measuring cortisol in the classroom with school-aged children: A systematic literature review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15, 1025.
- Friedmann, E., & Gee, N. R. (2018). Critical review of research methods used to consider the impact of human-animal interaction on older adults’ health. The Gerontologist, 150.
- MacLean, E. L., Gesquierre, L. R., Gee, N. R., Levy, K., Martin, W. L., & Carter, S. C. (2018). Validation of salivary oxytocin and vasopressin as biomarkers in domestic dogs. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 293, 67-76.
- Solomon, J., Beetz, A., Schoberl, I., Gee, N. R., & Kotrschal, K. (2018). Attachment security in companion dogs: Adaptation of Ainsworth’s strange situation and classification procedures to dogs and their human caregivers. Attachment & Human Development.
- Mueller, M. K., Gee, N. R., & Bures, R. M. (2018). Human-Animal Interaction as a social determinant of health: descriptive findings from the Health and Retirement Study. BMC Public Health, 18, 305.
- Cooley, L. F., & Barker, S. B. (2018). Canine-assisted Therapy as an adjunct tool in the care of the surgical patient: A literature review and opportunity for research. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 24(3), 48-51.
- Beck, A. M., Barker, S. B., Gee, N. R., Griffin, J. A., & Johnson, R. (2018). The Background to Human-Animal Interaction (HAI) Research. Human-Animal Interaction Bulletin, 6, 47-62.
- Brelsford, V. L., Meints, K., Gee, N. R., & Pfeffer, K. (2017). Animal-assisted interventions in the classroom – A systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14, 669;
- Cassels, M., White, N., Gee, N. R., & Hughes, C. (2017). One of the family? Measuring children’s relationships with pets and siblings. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 49, 12-20.
- Dall, P. M., Ellis, S. L., Ellis, B. M., Grant, M., Colyer, A., Gee, N. R., Granat, M. H., & Mills, D. S. (2017). The influence of dog ownership on objective measures of free-living physical activity and sedentary behaviour in community-dwelling older adults: a longitudinal case-controlled study. BMC Public Health, 17: 496,
- Fox, R., & Gee, N. R. (2017). Great expectations: changing social, spatial and emotional understandings of the companion animal – human relationship. Society and Cultural Geography, 20(1), 43-63.
- Gee, N. R., Griffin, J. A., & McCardle, P. (2017). Human-animal interaction (HAI) research in school settings: Current knowledge and future directions. AERA: Open Research, 3(3).
- Gee, N. R., Mueller, M., & Curl., A. (2017). Human-animal interaction and older adults: An overview. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1461.
- MacLean, E. L., Gesquierre, L. R., Gee, N. R., Levy, K., Martin, W. L., & Carter, S. C. (2017). Effects of affiliative human–animal Interaction on dog salivary and plasma oxytocin and vasopressin. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1606.
- Purewal, R., Christley, R., Kordas, K., Joinson, C., Meints, K., Gee, N. R., & Westgarth, C. (2017). Companion animals and child/adolescent development: A systematic review of the evidence. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14, 234.
- Ladd, D., & Barker, S. (2017). Dogs on Call in a patient library. Journal of Hospital Librarianship, 17(1), 22-29.
- Barker, S. B., Barker, R. T., McCain, N. L., & Schubert, C. (2017). The effect of a canine-assisted activity on college student perceptions of family supports and current stressors. Anthrozoös, 30(4), 595-606.
- Barker, S. B., Barker, R. T., & Schubert, C. M. (2017). Therapy dogs on campus: a counseling outreach activity for students preparing for final exams. Journal of College Counseling, 20, 278-288.
- Serpell, J., McCune, S., Gee, N. R., & Griffin, J. (2017). Current challenges to research on animal-assisted interventions. Applied Developmental Sciences.
- Hall, S. S., Gee, N. R. & Mills, & D. S. (2016). Children reading with dogs: A systematic review of the literature. PLoS ONE, 11(2), e0149759.
- Barker, S. B., Barker, R. T., McCain, N. L., Schubert, C. (2016). A randomized crossover exploratory study of the effect of visiting therapy dogs on college student stress before final exams. Anthrozoös, 29(1), 35-46.
- Coleman, J. A., Green, B., Garthe, R. C., Worthington, E. L., Barker, S. B., & Ingram, K. M. (2016). The Coleman-Dog Attitude Scale (C-DAS): Development, refinement, validation, and reliability. Animal Behaviour Science, 176, 77-86.
- Hampton, L, Cooley, F. L., Caulkins, S., Holloway, R., & Barker, S. (2016). Use of canine-assisted therapy in office-based flexible cystoscopy (Editorial). Gavin Journal of Surgery, 2016 (1), 1-2.
- Shöberl, I., Beetz, A., Solomon, J., Wedl, M., Gee, N. R., & Kotrschal, K. (2016). Social factors influencing cortisol modulation in dogs during a strange situation procedure. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 11, 77-85.
- Szabo, D., Gee, N. R., & Miklosi, A. (2016). Natural or pathologic? Discrepancies in the study of cognitive signs of aging in family dogs. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 11, 86-98.
- Lowden, P., Wallis, C., Gee, N. & Hilton, A. (2015). Investigating the prevalence of Salmonella in dogs within the Midlands region of the United Kingdom. BMC Veterinary Research, 11, 239.
- Barker, S. B., Knisely, J. S., Schubert, C. M., Green, J. D., & Ameringer, S. (2015). The effect of an animal-assisted intervention on anxiety and pain in hospitalized children. Anthrozoös, 28(1), 101-112.
- Gee, N. R., Friedmann, E., Cogliatore, V., Fisk, A., & Stendahl, M. (2015). Does physical contact with a dog or a person affect performance of a working memory task? Anthrozoös, 28, 483-500.
- Gee, N. R., Friedmann, E., Stendahl, M., Fisk, A., & Cogliatore, V. (2014). Heart rate variability during a working memory task: Does touching a dog or person affect the response? Anthrozoös, 27(4), 513-528.
- Barker, R. T., Knisely, J. S., Barker, S. B., Cobb, R. K., & Schubert, C. M. (2012). Preliminary investigation of employees’ dog presence on stress and organizational perceptions. International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 5(1), 15-30.
- Gee, N. R., Gould, J. K., Swanson, C. C., & Wagner, A. K. (2012). Preschoolers categorize animate objects better in the presence of a dog. Anthrozoös, 25, 187-198.
- Gee, N. R., Belcher, J., Grabski, J., DeJesus, M. & Riley, W. (2012). The presence of a therapy dog results in improved object recognition performance in preschool children. Anthrozoös, 25, 289-300.
- Barker, S. B., Knisely, J. S., McCain, N. L., Schubert, C. M., & Pandurangi, A. K. (2010). Exploratory study of stress-buffering response patterns from interaction with a therapy dog. Anthrozoös, 23 (1), 79-91.
- Gee, N. R., Crist, E. N., & Carr, D. N. (2010). Preschool children require fewer instructional prompts to perform a memory task in the presence of a dog. Anthrozoös, 23, 178-184.
- Gee, N. R., Church, M. T., & Altobelli, C. L. (2010). Preschoolers make fewer errors on an object categorization task in the presence of a dog. Anthrozoös, 23, 223-230.
2000 through 2009
- Gee, N. R., Sherlock, T. R., Bennett, E. A., & Harris, S. L. (2009). Preschoolers’ adherence to instructions as a function of the presence of a dog, and motor skills task. Anthrozoös, 22, 267-276.
- Barker, S. B., and Wolen, A. R. (2008). The benefits of human-animal interaction: A review. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 35(4), 487-495.
- Gee, N. R., Harris, S. L., & Johnson, K. L. (2007). The role of therapy dogs in speed and accuracy to complete motor skills tasks for preschool children. Anthrozoös, 20, 375-386.
- Barker, S. B., Knisely, J. S., McCain, N. L., & Best, A. M. (2005). Measuring stress and immune response in healthcare professionals following interaction with at therapy dog: a pilot study. Psychological Reports, 96, 713-729.
- Barker, S. B., Rogers, C. S., Turner, J. W., Karpf, A. S., & Suthers-McCabe, H. M. (2003). Benefits of interacting with companion animals: A bibliography of articles published in refereed journals during the past 5 years. American Behavioral Scientist, 47(1), 94-99.
- Barker, S. B., Rasmussen, K. G., & Best, A. M. (2003). Effect of aquariums on electroconvulsive therapy patients. Anthrozoös, 16(3), 229-240.
- Wilson, C. C., & Barker, S. B. (2003). Challenges in designing human-animal interaction research. American Behavioral Scientist, 47(1), 16-28.
- Barker, S. B., Rogers, C. S., Turner, J. W., Karpf, A. S., & Suthers-McCabe, M. (2003). Benefits of interacting with companion animals: A bibliography of articles published in refereed journals during the past five years. American Behavioral Scientist, 47(1), 94-99.
- Barker, S. B., Pandurangi, A. K., & Best, A. M. (2003). The effects of animal-assisted therapy on patients’ anxiety, fear, and depression prior to ECT. The Journal of ECT, 19(1), 38-44.
- Barker, S. B., Best, A. M., Fredrickson, M., & Hunter, G. (2000). Constraints in assessing the Impact of animals in education. Anthrozoös, 13(2): 74-79.
1988 through 1999
- Barker, S. B, & Dawson, K. S. (1998). The effects of animal assisted therapy on anxiety ratings of hospitalized psychiatry patients. Psychiatric Services, 49(6): 797-801.
- Barker, S. B., Barker, R. T., Dawson, K. S., & Knisely, J. S. (1997). The use of the family life space diagram in establishing inter-connectedness: A preliminary study of sexual abuse survivors, their significant others, and pets. Individual Psychology: Journal of Adlerian Theory, Research & Practice, 53(4), 435–450.
- Barker, S. B. (1993). Pet owners no longer forced to grieve alone. American Counselor, 2(4), 26-31.
- Barker, S. B. & Barker, R. T. (1990). Investigation of the construct validity of the Family Life Space Diagram. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 12(4), 506-514.
- Barker, S. B. (1989). Pet loss and bereavement. Companion Animal Practice Journal, 19(5), 3-5.
- Barker, S. B, & Barker, R. T. (1988). The human-canine bond: Closer than family ties? Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 10(1): 46-57.
- Barker, R. T. & Barker, S. B. (1988) Animal-facilitated therapy in the prison: An overview. The Correctional Psychologist, 20(2): 4-6.