The Executive Committee
Nancy R. Gee, PhD., Professor of Psychiatry and Executive Director, Center for Human-Animal Interaction, School of Medicine, VCU
Jean Bailey, PhD., Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs, School of Medicine, VCU
Nathan Cunningham, MPH, Associate Vice President of Patient Experience, VCU Health
Marjolein de Wit, M.D., M.S., Professor of Internal Medicine, VCU and VCU Health
Carissa D. Etters, Director of Executive and Enterprise Communications, VCU Health
Susan Kornstein, MD, Professor of Psychiatry and Executive Director, Institute for Women's Health, VCU
Ralph Rios, FACHE, Vice President of Support Services, VCU Health
Gary Southard, Jr., MBA, Senior Administrator, VCU Health
Suzanne Weaver, MS, Director of Operations and Wellness, VCU and VCU Health
Our former Executive Committee Members:
Maria Curran, M.S.
Denice Ekey
Jeffrey Green, Ph.D.
Janet S. Knisely, Ph.D.
Wanda Miller, D.S.N.
Gene Peterson, MD, Ph.D.
Ed Petrovich, MBA