Women's Brain Health Initiative Magazine features Dr. Nancy Gee

May 21, 2021

In the magazine Mind Over Matter, published by Women's Brain Health Initiative, Dr. Nancy Gee was interviewed in reference to the article "Animal Attraction: Pets can be Therapeutic for the Body & Soul".


In the article, Dr. Gee and Dr. Megan Mueller were featured for their study on the collective body of research findings about animal interactions (specifically with older adults). 


The studies examined the impact of pet ownership and animal-assisted interventions onmany different variables, including cognition, physical health and exercise, and depression, loneliness, and social functioning, as well as anxiety,fear, agitation, and related behaviors. 

Overall, the findings were stronger for studies that manipulated the presence of the animal (i.e. the intervention studies), while the pet ownership results tended to be mixed, with many studies showing positive effects on the variables, but others showing negative, mixed, or no effects. 


To read the complete article, and check out Mind Over Matter Magazine, Volume 12, click the link here


A snapshot of a magazine article titled